
Now that we have neutralized the enemy with truth at the American Intelligence Media and Americans for Innovation, we need to gather momentum and grow our movement. Next operation is going to be so much fun you won’t believe you are actually “fighting” to restore the Republic.

We call it Operation: Trump Fangirl.

To get started, please watch the video below so that everyone knows what a fangirl is. Watch it until the end.

For the love of fangirls | Yve Blake

Confession. Like most of you patriot ladies, Tyla is a Trump fangirl. She has loved him since he came down the elevator with his super smart and beautiful partner, Melania. Every day women all around the world fall deeper in love with this historic leader who is leading America to greatness, keeping our families safe, and providing an environment of prosperity and peace.

Let’s show our appreciation for everything that he, Melania, and his family have experienced during this 3 year+ overthrow attempt by unleashing the Trump fangirls in each of us. Let’s show other girls, teens, and women how much fun it is to be a fangirl – a Trump fangirl.

Imagine women at the next Trump Rally dressed to the hilt (not Hilton) in Trump glitter and glamor, while squealing like Beatles fans in the 60s. We ask our older lady patriots to set the example. Be the courageous lady pede to put your best fangirl foot forward.

1964 Girls Screaming for The Beatles

It’s a worldwide phenomenon with girls and women.

Michael Jackson ~ Crazy love of fans ~

It is so much fun to be energized and enthusiastic like these young women.

Here are some Trump fangirls – the Deplorable Choir

You will have fun meeting other Trump fangirls and being a part of spontaneous and planned events. Meet up at the rallies or cheer at the mall. Fangirls come in all ages and usually draw in the men, too.

Fangirls will energize Trump rallies, inside and out. When the Gospel and country music groups show up to entertain the crowds, Trump fangirls gather to dance and cheer.

Fangirls are really good at social media so we expect to see lots of videos, tweets, music, and pictures. Please send them to us for posting.

Real men love to hear women squeal with excitement and they will be happy to help President Trump make us squeal even more after an exciting Trump event. (wink)

The Trumpettes

gabriel trumpet horn 2We will be Trump cheerleaders at every rally. It’s a big party and Trump fangirls keep the party going.

Have you ever known a fangirl who couldn’t party?

We call ourselves the Trumpettes and pledge to keep the troops energized through election day. Of course, we women have been entertaining troops for a long time.

It’s an historic thing for women to cheer their men into battle, sports…and, yes, even the bedroom. Team Trump 2020 wins with its cheerleaders!

Andrews Sisters Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy

But the best….is what it will do to the Democrats and the media enemies. They will go absolutely berserk! Recall when they said we were a cult. We laughed and said, yeah – Cult 45.

They thought this would shame us and that we would stop. Don’t they understand? The very nature of a trumpet, a trumpette, is to sound the heavenly note that brings humanity back into the harmony of the spheres, a place of transparency and truth, righteousness and consciousness, the Word of God.

Trumpettes: Get serious and make this happen. We welcome women from around the world to join us because our big plan is to use Donald Trump’s platform to usher in world peace and prosperity for all of us.

Ladies, let’s show the boys how to win the Great Information War.

Diehard Trump Fans Exposed on Rally Road Trip | NowThis



  1. Since my ex’s wokeness she wears her Trump shirts I provide but she loves in the Heart of UAW Country daily…SHE IS A TRUMP GIRL for sure

  2. Any info to a loyal follower and many that I know whom I told I would email you “again” to find out what happened to your Vimeo Channel and do you have another platform you’re either on or moving towards???

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