Is Conservative Treehouse a limited hangout?

ses still not in prison

Why are these bureaucrat traitors not in prison yet? Because they are ALL members of the enemy, the resistance, known as Senior Executive Services. If you are new to our site, we don’t have time to catch up on the hows and whys of Senior Executive Services. Just plug the name into the search bar on the left side of this page and start educating yourself.

And who protects these scumbag traitors? Other SES operatives like DOJ Bruce Ohr, William Barr, Gina Haspel, Christopher Wray. This is a faction of the INVISIBLE ENEMY. The SES are CROWN AGENTS that work for the Privy Council and Pilgrims Society. Why isn’t Sundance at Conservative Treehouse reporting this?

Will Conservative Treehouse be another limited hangout, like Amazing Actress, or will they go all the way to FULL DISCLOSURE?

Easy to connect the dots, Sundance and Polly. Just follow Christopher Steele back to his Privy Council handlers – Richard Dearlove and Arvinder Sambei, with a dash on Alison Sanders and Robert Hannigan. Is Conservative Treehouse another channel, much like Amazing ‘Polly the Parrot’, that STOPS SHORT of truth?

Why are these talented creators not taking their audience all the way to truth? Are they in the alt media environment as controlled hangouts, like Alex Jones and InfoWars, to make you think you are fully informed, when you are NOT?

We are waiting and watching, Sundance and Amazing Actress, for you to report and reveal the full truth. The evidence is easy to find at the American Intelligence Media. We did the research for them – they can add the glitter and glitz.

ses enemy senior executive

Pictured above is a snap shot of the the face of SES – Obama’s stay-behind army that is destroying America from inside, while the gifted and talented reporter and writer SUNDANCE at Conservative Treehouse, who has provided great reporting on the swamp over the years, stays silent on who they are and how they are connected to the Queen’s failed attempt to overthrow Donald Trump as well as the British origins of the coronavirus.

Giddy up, Sundance…who are you protecting? 

Invisible Enemy Revealed

played by queen thumbnail


15 thoughts on “Is Conservative Treehouse a limited hangout?”

  1. Sundance has a rather wide blind spot. Any mention of JFK, MLK, RFK, SES, Apollo, 9/11 or the pope gets deleted, commentor gets moderation for ever. Polly’s heart is in the right place and deserves credit for good research and good presentation. Internecine fighting is counterproductive, when gentle persuasion works so much better.

    1. We call ‘em as we see them. We will not stand down when we see good researchers like Polly and Sundance trying to keep patriots from going all the way to truth. If they were in our courts, topics like this would not be “off limits.”

  2. For all the miners’ great historical research, and I do applaud their work, No one I’ve listened to yet has done a better job piecing together the pandemic narrative than George Webb and Co. He’s providing names, dates, vectoring probabilities, documentation from the Chinese showing NIH paid Wuhan for its weaponizing work, the whole she-bang. If he’s wrong, show where he’s wrong, and provide a better model. Looks to me like he’s got Fauci and Gates by the short hairs…

  3. Maybe four years ago Sundance permanently banned me for disputing his report that Glenn Beck said God killed Antonin Scalia to make a point.

    I learned that ya gotta go with the flow if you plan on hanging around CTH. Never contradict the boss. Anyway, who needs it? CTH is built on the antediluvian premise of Left v. Right, Trump is God Emperor and never criticize a Jew. The cuck-right.

      1. Wrong again, about research at CTH. You should be so lucky as to have a Researcher even half as good as Sundance.

      2. Actually, our researchers are far better than Mark Bradman. Here is an example of how we have busted on Kamala Harris. Where is Bradman with his articles on the foreign interloper known as Kamala Harris? ?

        Then there is all the research we have done into the pharmaceutical mess. Where is Sundance on this? (crickets)

        There is the link to the coronavirus hoax and the Rothschilds? Where is Bradman’s research on this? (crickets)

        Has your man Sundance reported on the connection to DARPA with coronavirus or that the patent comes from the QUeen’s company Pirbright?

        You see, you are speaking from a limited place of knowledge. You are limited by the hangout Conservative Treehouse has created by design or by his inability to explore the real truth that the Queen of England is the Whore of Babylon trying to destroy the United States.

      3. Our Spirit

        Your research showing Kamala noncitizen status is appropriate and shows she is not even legally entitled to run for the US Senate under Article I requirements. Your article however fails to account for the special qualification for POTUS and VPOTUS of “natural vorn citizen.” The Founding Father’s definition of this was a child born of citizen parents on the soil. Since neither parent was a US citizen at the time of Kammy’s birth she can never meet this requirement. It the same for many others with aspirations or in Obama’s case who illegally held the office. Cruz, Rubio, Jindal, Santorum, and Halley are similarly unqualified for the office. You should do an expose on Ted Cruz who my research shows had no citizen parent either. Mother converted to an English subject in 1962 when married to a UK subject to access the health care system (NIH) for Ted’s older brother (deceased).

  4. I always wonder when some skirt or fail to provide the whole truth. Maybe they should have stayed a produce grocery manager in Florida? My opinion of course.

    1. Would love to hear more if you know who the conglomeration Sundance is. Good research always, but so many blind spots we call CTH out as a limited hangout, probably a CIA spook writing the stuff trying to protect folks like Gina Haspel from getting busted for the overthrow attempt of Donald Trump.

  5. I’m amazed, got here quite by mistake, can’t imagine how you got your idea about CTH so totally jaded and wrong. Gina Haspel was busted long ago, shrunk back now, licking her wounds.

    1. Mark Bradman is a good reporter, but he has fallen short on many topics that the AIM miners have taken much further. Bradman (Sundance) seems to stop short on many things. Here is an example: He simply will not look at Senior Executive Service and the infiltration of crown agents into our government. He doesn’t disclose the British espionage going on with Arvinder Sambei, Richard Dearlove, Robert Hannigan, Alison Saunders, Mark Malloch-Brown, the Privy Council. He doesn’t report on the Pilgrims Society, the Cecil Rhodes 200-year world domination plan….so so much that this excellent reporter fails to report. We have to wonder then if he isn’t a part of the SES to keep ultimate truth from being revealed. Our AIM team already submitted huge files to Barr and team the day he was sworn in…548 days later Barr the Bloviator has given us ZERO indictments of swamp rats. He, too, is SES. So we wonder if Bradman isn’t working with the SES to put more obstacles in the path to truth. Time will tell. Is Bradman a TRAITOR or PATRIOT?

      As far as Gina Haspel, we were exposing her crimes when Sundance (Bradman) was telling his audience to trust Chris Wray..

  6. Interesting chain. Dated but interesting. Being late to the party, I feel compelled to weigh in with my own CTH experience.

    As an avid reader for many years, I have found Sundance to be one of the best analysis writers I have ever come across. He does some remarkable work and presents “his” case in point very well.

    Emphasis on “his” because the writing style is somewhat like a Thesis. He is selling his position, not yours or mine. And, like any good thesis, alternate and especially opposing points of view are not included (or welcome)

    Where he falls short of greatness is that, like many big fish in small ponds, his ego gets in the way. Meaning: he is beyond reproach because it is his site and his opinion.

    As a commentor at CTH, virtually anytime I (or others) would challenge his opinion at even the narrowest POV, I could count on two things happening.

    1) His barking dogs would jump on it. 2) I’d end up on a moderators list wherein my future comments were always “awaiting approval” and many, benign as the comments were, were not allowed.

    In other words, it is an echo chamber. And for that reason, think of the pitfalls of group think, it fails at the intellectual level Sundance (and his barking dogs) fantasize it (and themselves) to be. It isn’t a debate site, it is a sermon site. To be followed by many loud and emphatic AMENS.

    In fact, the censorship is as burdensome as experienced on Facebook toward conservatives. But worse, CTH pretends to be a conservative site yet finds conservative opinion outside their own reprehensible (ie., it feels every bit as hypocritical as liberal social media sites).

    And, as a secondary point of hypocrisy, the barking dogs are allowed to, without constraint, jump on, criticize and demean other conservatives with alt opinion but should any of those conservatives do the same toward the barking dogs? Well, to the dog pound you go for extermination (censorship or kicked off the site).

    If those are the values of conservatism, I want no part of it. Which is why I chose to walk away from the site in terms of commenting.

    That said, I still read the columns from time to time and more frequently skim the headlines. Because, as I said at the beginning, Sundance IS a good analysis writer. Not that he is a good adjudicator of his readers who comment. No, he fails on that front.

    Like everything else on the Internet, you learn to balance the good with the bad. CTH equal interesting analysis but it is not an open, free thinking community.

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