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More Fauci/British Pilgrims Society-led U.S. medical establishment FRAUD

Below is an update to the article posted:

The Azar-Fauci-Trump coronavirus pandemic fiat on Jan. 31, 2020 was based on HHS fraud

PROOF: The Fauci/British Pilgrims Society-led U.S. medical establishment has conspired against showing the efficacy of IVERMECTIN to stop COVID-19 without the need for profit-taking/making “vaccines”

This need to be pushed out EVERYWHERE by themselves. Proves in mountains of peer-reviewed studies he Fauci, HIH, CDC, WHO propaganda against Invermectin is a FRAUD.

[1] Andy Crump, Satosjo Ōmura, ed. (Feb. 10, 2011). Ivermectin, ‘wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective. Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and biological sciences, 87(2): 13–28. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. Source: 

A.D. Santin (Yale), D.E. Scheim, P.A. McCullough (TX A&M), M. Yagisawa (ICRC Kitasato Univ.), T.J. Borody (CDD Aus). (Aug. 03, 2021). Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19, New Microbe and New Infect 2021; 43: 100924, Elsevier Ltd. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. Source:

IVERMECTIN was approved by the FDA in 1998 – before Fauci and his British handlers at The Pirbright Institute were on a roll with the COVID poison program.

Norman Schmuff, Ph.D. Chem. Team Leader, DNDC III. (Oct. 08, 1998). Drug Approval Package to Merck & Co., Inc., Frank Ricci, approving Stromectol (Ivermectin) Tablets, 6 mg, then 3 mg., App. No. 050742s001, Dec. 12, 1997. U.S. FDA.  Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Sources:

Read the deceptively worded “Letter to Stakeholders” (Fauci propaganda) muddying the waters about the efficacy of IVERMECTIN and discouraging its use to eliminate the COVID threat out of the chute. It did not link to the FDA’s own approval to Pfizer of IVERMECTIN in 1998 (Pfizer had a financial interest in suppressing this information).

Who are the FDA’s stakeholders if not We The People?

Press Release. (Apr. 10, 2020). Letter to Stakeholders re. IVERMECTIN, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Daily Roundup April 10, 2020. FDA. Sources:   |

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