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AIM Patriots want to interview WH staff

Stephanie Grisham: Networks refusing White House airtime after good week for Trump

Who watches these failing propaganda channels any more, Stephanie? Join the TRUMP party going on in alternative and independent media. We do a much better job interviewing than propagandists in MSM. Give us an opportunity.

How about a first interview between Mick Mulvaney and Douglas Gabriel? Or is there someone else on the WH team that you would prefer?

WOWZER what a great discussion this would be! Come on, Stephanie…give us a try. We have uploaded thousands of videos so you can check the quality of our reporting.  Our citizen intelligence reporting is the BEST IN THE WORLD, including those 17 intelligence agencies that did nothing to protect our president from the overthrow attempt.

Contact us here.

AIM Team, please help us get this to Ms. Grisham. Her twitter is: Twitter @StephGrisham45

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