Category: U. S. Politics

Illegal Tactics and DTCC/Prime Broker Complicity In Naked Shorting and Retail Shutdown of GME

Posted by baturu

TLDR: GameStop’s Congress hearing is on Feb 18th, they need to investigate the Prime Brokers and DTCC for their complicity in enabling naked shorting within GME and by extension, potential collusion to shut down trading on Jan 28th, the day the short squeeze was going to kick off. (stick to the end for an analysis of some illegal tactics short side hedge funds have been using)

Thesis: On the day the retail market for GME shut down on 1/28 (the day the short squeeze would’ve happened had there been no market intervention), DTCC (clearing house monopoly) shut down retail buying in order to protect itself and Prime Brokers (which privately own the DTCC) from being exposed to the consequences of being party to illegal activity. I believe Prime Brokers and DTCC need to be called to the GameStop hearing on February 18th to be questioned for their complicity in enabling illegal naked shorting of the GME stock, as well as potential collusion to shut out retail buyers on 1/28.

In my previous post (which I recommend reading for some context) I explored the subject of rampant illegal naked shorting in GME, and how Prime Brokers (consisting of banks like Goldman, Morgan, etc) and DTCC would be complicit in the naked shorting. This in turn raises the thought experiment that they would be incentivized to do anything possible to prevent the short squeeze from happening on 1/28 because had the short squeeze happened, the shorts would go bankrupt and their Prime Brokers who lent them their naked shorted shares would need to cover the shares. This would not only represent a humongous capital expense for Prime Brokers, the culpability of Prime Brokers (and that of the DTCC) in this situation would also have likely been exposed as well.

A quick primer on what a Prime Broker is: Prime Brokers are essentially the service side of the short- selling business. They lend out securities and cash, you can think of them as the “house” in a casino: They provide a gambler with markers to play and to manage his winnings. According to Matt Taibi, “Under the original concept, if a hedge fund that wanted to short a stock they would first need to “locate” the stock with his Prime Broker but as time passed, Prime Brokers increasingly allowed their hedge-fund customers to use automated systems and “locate” the stock themselves, and what this does is enable short-sellers to sell stock without delivering and thereby perform naked shorts with counterfeit shares. (source: (I highly recommend you read Matt Taibi’s article on naked shorting and how it was used to take down Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. There are so many parallels with GME it’s hard to miss. It’s amazing to consider that 12 years after this article was published and brought to public awareness, the problem of naked shorting still exists as a systemic issue.)

Prime Brokers have a long history of being associated with naked shorting. To highlight a few examples, Prime Brokers like Merill Lynch and Goldman have long been implicated for naked shorting (, Another example is when Goldman’s Prime Brokerage was implicated by the SEC in 2016 and got away with a small fine of 16 million (Source: An example that very recently came in the news is a story where CIBC, BOA, UBS and TD Bank Prime Brokerages are accused of facilitating naked short selling and using counterfeit stock to attack and bring the stock price of a company from $34.77 to $1.83 (Source:

The DTCC also has a very long history of being associated with naked shorting. The Wall Street Journal noted that 1% of the DTCC’s volume end in failure to deliver which “have put DTCC in the middle of a long-running fight over whether unscrupulous investors are driving down hundreds of small companies’ share prices… DTCC has turned a blind eye to the naked-shorting problem. ” (Source: The DTCC has also had numerous complaints submitted to the SEC for enabling naked shorting (source: and have been sued tens or hundreds of times for assisting naked shorts (source: and and

On 1/28 Robinhood received a letter from the DTCC at 4 am requiring them to halt trading or come up with 3 billion dollars, which Robinhood did not have, and therefore with one swoop of the pen the DTCC shut down buy side momentum but strangely allowed selling. Retail investors were shut out of the market and as any student of microeconomics would know, by shutting buy but only allowing sell, the price is bound to fall. Meanwhile while hedge funds were able to keep trading not only in the market but also crosstrade in the dark pools (“private” stock markets that retail is shut out of, more on this later), and use this crucial lifeline given to them by the DTCC to prevent the squeeze from happening that day.

With retail abruptly being shut out from buy (even cash accounts were shut out, which didn’t make sense) and only allowed to sell, almost everyone could smell manipulation was afoot (which triggered the Congress hearing) and the most of the blame was pointed at Robinhood. Personally and in hindsight, I believe Robinhood was just a willing scapegoat. When we think about who had the most to lose if a short squeeze occurred, I’ll narrow it down to three entities, Shorts and their stakeholders (ie Citadel), Prime Brokers and the DTCC.

It’s important to remember that the actual impetus that triggered the shutdown of the market for retail investors came from the DTCC. Working backwards, if you consider that GME was rampantly naked shorted and DTCC and Prime Brokers would have to be complicit in it, I believe the DTCC, Primer Brokers and possibly Citadel (who provides 40% of Robinhood’s revenue) brazenly manipulated the market on 1/28 by shutting down purchasing for retail buyers to prevent the squeeze from being squoze on that day as doing so would be catastrophic for all aforementioned parties involved. I believe that on the upcoming Gamestop Congress hearings the Financial Services Committee needs to call on decision makers of DTCC and Prime Brokers explore their role and complicity in the shut out of retail buyers that day as well as being enablers of naked shorting in GME.

An interesting thought experiment: On 1/28 when the price was 450+ and shorts were likely under 100, if we assume prime brokers allowed naked shorting in GME, then when the squeeze was about to happen (or happening), if Prime Brokers had margin had called the shorts, they would presumably also also gone down because shorts would not be able to pay in that event and the brokers would be holding the bag. By that logic, they have every incentive in this case to NOT to margin call and instead the most logical option would probably would have been to make a backroom deal, which is what I personally think most likely happened.

If you’ve read up to this point, you might be thinking what can I do about this? I am aware that there a lot of cynicism that we can’t do anything, that there will be no justice for retail investors who were harmed this situation, and that institutions and people in power will prevent anything from being done. I feel this sometimes too, but remember:

A single voice can be drowned out, but if we all speak together then we will make our voice heard. Ape Strong Together.

With the hearing coming up on February 18th, I highly recommend you email and tweet the representatives involved in the hearing, as well as your own district representatives, and urge them to read into the factors presented in this post and call the DTCC and Prime Brokers to the hearingl. They need to be questioned on why GME has so many counterfeit shares, failed to deliver, their complicity in naked shorting, and investigated for their role in the retail shut down of 1/28. Below are 4 members of congress I recommend both tweeting and emailing

House Financial Services Committee: email: FSCDemsPress@

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, email:

Al Green, email:

Maxine Waters, email:

Senator Toomy, email:

Nancy Pelosi Email: email:

And you can find other members of Financial Services Committee here to reach out to:

Edit (Adding based on a reader’s comment): In your letter to your congressman, please ask to request the Congressional Research Service(CRS) to publish a report on the matter. CRS is Congress’s private think tank. If they publish a report, IT WILL be read throughout the Hill, and taken more seriously than anything we could ever do as constituents

What follows should probably be a separate post, but I will take the opportunity to summarize some of the illegal tactics that shorts have been identified to be using in their war with retail investors. Note that this may not be an exhaustive list and there may be newer tactics deployed in the future. Retail investors might not have the same tricks, resources and willingness to break the law for profit as hedgies do, but my hope and belief is that if we pool our knowledge and analysis, we will figure out their game and effectively adapt.

Feel free to forward the list below to any representatives and lawmakers if you concur that these tactics were used:

Rampant Naked Shorting – With the extremely high number of Fail to Delivers (FTID) , short interest being as high as 226% recently, and institutions alone holding a staggering 177% of the total float (likely due in large part to counterfeit shares), signs strongly point to GME being rampant with naked shorts and counterfeit shares. I believe the original goal of shorts was to drive GME to bankruptcy with these naked shorts, using the laddering of naked shorts (aka short ladder attack), executed with the help of counterfeit stock which is a classic and reliable method of driving down the stock price. I believe the GME stock has seen relentlessly aggressive short attacks, especially on the week of Monday February 1st, which drove the stock price down and triggered panic selling.

Masking Shorts with by Shorting ETFs that hold GME (Can’t link due to WSB, will put in comments)

Ladder Attacks with the help of Dark Pools – Another identified method of ladder attacks was identified to come from crosstrading with darkpools (the stock market has its own private stock exchange where institutions can trade…). Essentially darkpools are private stock markets retail investors do not have access to, where short side funds can purchase securities “off market” and then sell “on-market”, with the effect of creating a lot more downward pressure on the market without the upward pressure from buying.

Illegally masking shorts with synthetic longs. Another tactic shorts are suspected of using in GME is the use of illegally using options to evade short positions in violation of Reg SHO which SEC describes in this risk alert and which I elaborate in this post. Essentially it’s the use of using options to create synthetic longs to illegally and artificially cover and prolong short positions and at same time obscuring the true short interest %. If you consider that it would be far more profitable for shorts to not cover at high prices but instead ladder attack the price and wait for retail investors to lose interest and close their shorts at as low of a price as possible, then you can see why this strategy would be very effective.

Using way out-of-money call options to obscure true short interest. You may have heard about the 43 million worth of 800 dollar calls purchased when the price was 100 and found it odd. Later it was identified as a tactic to cheaply purchase synthetic call options (since at 800 its way out of money) to obscure their short positions (with the added benefit of hedging at 800 if a squeeze does happen)

One thing I want to note, particularly to legislators at the GameStop hearing: Retail investors were not incited to pump GME. Retail investors spotted a unique Short Squeeze opportunity created by the greed of short side hedge funds, whereby GameStop was being abusively naked shorted with the goal of bringing it to bankruptcy, and hedge funds were so greedy about it that they shorted the company with a short interest of 226% of float, meaning A LOT of counterfeit shares were being used to short the company. Retail investors saw this as an opportunity to short squeeze the hedge fund shorters, which is a legal and legitimate investment strategy. The short squeeze would have happened had everyone played fair, but instead, financial institutions who were culpable to the naked shorting intervened and shut down retail buying, hurting the retail investors and successfully manipulating the market. The investment itself was in my opinion a sound decision based on the short squeeze, but in hindsight retail investors did not seriously consider the risk of the market would be blatantly and publicly manipulated and that the market would be rigged against them.

If this post was useful (and I hope it was! Gave up my Friday night to write this for you Apes), please upvote for visibility and share it far and wide. The GameStop hearings could be a first step and hope towards legislative change, and it’s extremely important that the right story is told at those hearings (and by the right story I mean the real truth of what happened.) I hope the truly culpable parties are investigated and brought to justice. Again, I know many of us feel cynical that anything meaning will be done towards finding justice against the lawbreakers in this case, but if you feel even an ounce of injustice or empathy at how retail investors were unfairly harmed in the course of investing in GME, I strongly urge you to contact a legislator associated with the GameStop hearings and bring this to their attention so they can review this case with more complete information. In addition I recommend you to contact the SEC and any journalist you know or via journalist tip lines. It’s not going to be easy but the more awareness we raise the higher the likelihood our voices will be heard and positive change will be made.

Ps. If you’ve read to the end, I’ll leave you with a few more thoughts and reminders:

– If I were to distill life into one thing, it would be to never lose hope.

– Remember that if you’ve lost money in any way shape or form, don’t be depressed, money can always be made back and the important thing is to maintain a good attitude.

– Only invest what you can afford to lose.

– Perhaps the most important factor in good investing is patience.

If you’d like to read more about counterfeiting stocks this is a good place to start

Disclaimer: I am not an investment advisor, I just like the stock.

The Biden – China Mob Organization Exposed


10/18/2020 Lude Media: This detailed report is done according to the contents of the hard drive by an investigative company


Hunter Biden’s Loan Agreement – AMENDMENT No. 1 TO THE LOAN AGREEMENT DATED JUNE 30, 2017


This Amendment Agreement No. 1 (this “Amendment”) is made on October 31, 2018 by and among the following parties (each a “Party” and together the “Parties”):

(a) Mr Xiangsheng Li (a HK resident with HK ID No. Pxxxxxx, the “Original Lender“). 

(b) Mr. Robert Hunter Biden (a USA resident with passport No. xxxxxxxxx, “Mr. Biden). 

(C) Mr. Eric D. Schwerin (a USA resident with passport No. xxxxxxxxx, “Mr. Schwerin“), 

(d) Skaneateles, LLC (a limited liability company registered under the laws of the District of Columbia, USA, “Skaneateles“, together with Mr. Biden and Mr. Schwerin collectively referred to as the “Borrowers” and individually as a “Borrower”), 

(e) Ms. Xin Wang (Canada Passport No. ACxxxxxxx, the “New Lender“).


  1. The Original Lender and the Borrowers entered into a loan agreement dated June 30, 2017 (the “Loan Agreement“) pursuant to which it was agreed that the Original Lender would make certain advances to Skaneateles for the purpose of funding its registered capital obligations to BHR;
  2. the Original Lender did not have sufficient funds to make the entire Loan as stipulated in the Loan Agreement and the New Lender stepped in to make a direct loan to the Borrowers in the amount of US$158,000 (the “New Loan“) on December 4, 2017;

NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:

  1. The Parties agree that the Loan Agreement shall be amended as follows:
  2.  paragraph 1 of the Loan Agreement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

“Principal of the Loan: the New Lender agrees to provide to the Borrowers and the   Borrowers agree to accept from the New Lender a term loan in the aggregate amount of US$158.000 (the “Loan“);

  • all references in the Loan Agreement to the “Lender” shall be deleted

and replaced with “New Lender”:

[Signature Page]

Original Lender

Xiangsheng Li


New Lender

Xin Wang



Robert Hunter Biden



Eric D. Schwerin



Skaneateles, LLC

Authorized representative:

Li Xiangsheng

Bohai Industry Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. Itthe general manager and the Investment Committee


Mr. Li Xiangshengof Bohai Industrial Investment Fund ManagementGeneral ManagerCompanyLimited,the Investment Committee convener.

Mr. Li Xiangsheng joined Bohai Fund in 2007,  previously served as Director of Hong Kong Peregrine Finance Company, President of Beijing Century Flying Tiger Technology Company, Vice President of Huawen Investment Holding Company, Managing Director of MacquarieInvestment Consultants(Beijing)Co., Ltd.  Li Xiang Mr. Sheng has many years of working experience in the investment industry. Now he’s fully in charge of the development and management of company’s investment business .

Mr. Li Xiangsheng graduated from the Department of Physics of Nanjing University in1985 , obtained a Bachelor of Laws from Nanjing University in 1986, and he went on studying in the UK and obtained a Master of Laws from the University of London in 1991. Mr. Li is a professional lawyer.



Bohai Sea and the United States(Shanghai)Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.Director, General Manager and Chairman of the Investment

Committee,20071January to date

Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.

and general manager of the Investment Committee Convenor of the working


Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.CEOLi Xiangsheng


Company Number


Native Company Number




Incorporation Date

18 July 2008 (over 12 years ago)

Company Type

Limited Liability Company


District of Columbia (US)

Registered Address

  • 3512 Multiview Drive,
  • Los Angeles
  • 90068
  • California
  • United States

Agent Name


Agent Address

1090 VERMONT AVE. NW, Washington, District of Columbia, 20005

Directors / Officers

Registry Page…

Source District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs,…, 27 Sep 2020 3+

Did the FBI just stage the ‘foiled’ false flag kidnapping hoax to cover up for the lawbreaking Michigan Governor?

And what would they ever do with Whitmer once she was kidnapped?

You gotta admit it: the FBI runs circles around the Keystone Cops.

Here they create a fake terrorist cell of wannabe anarchists for a few coins in militia-heavy Michigan.

Then they infiltrate the hapless bunch of malcontents with more FBI agents than phony anarchists.

Next they float the wacky idea of kidnapping the Governor and get a few of them to say “Yes” to a laughably concocted plan that was never even seriously considered by anyone.

Now, remember, this classic FBI entrapment scheme all takes place right after the Michigan Supreme Court Struck Down Gov. Whitmer’s Nanny-State Edicts.

The governor was mad as a hornet when that highly humiliating ruling was handed down and obviously felt compelled to deflect everyone’s attentions from the bad news.

By the way, look at the anarchy flags in the background of two of those arrested for this fake plot to kidnap Whitmer in the tweets below.

The FBI and other authorities actually had the chutzpah to call these far leftwing anarchists “White Supremacists” when in fact they are clearly following AntiFa ideology and BLM violence.

AntiFa has put anarchy and lawlessness, rioting and looting, arson and burning, laser weapons and weaponized fireworks, chaos and mayhem, violence and murder, destruction and terrorism on super-steroids throughout 2020.  And Black Lives Matter is always conveniently at the same crime scenes to somehow ‘legitimize’ all of this highly organized, Soros-funded domestic terrorism.

Isn’t it also suspicious that this ‘foiled kidnapping’ plot made the news shortly after the FBI issued a patently false warning about “White Supremacists” when, in fact, it’s the Black Lives Matter and AntiFa terrorist organizations who are dangerous to the extreme?!

Oh, really?!  After months of rioting that burned down countless businesses and destroyed whole neighborhoods, looting of hundreds of stores across the country and violence that saw innocent citizens injured and/or killed by radical Left terrorists, we’re supposed to be very afraid of the Right because of so-called White Supremacist groups who barely make a peep these days because they’ve been relentlessly gaslighted by everyone and their mother.

Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up … … … except that’s all the FBI ever does these days—MAKE STUFF UP … to cover for the power elite who have run the hopelessly corrupt federal law enforcement agency like a protection racket — 24/7 — for several decades.

The FBI permits the worst criminals in U.S. history such as George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, et al. to roam free while consistently targeting Patriots who simply support the U.S. Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights.

That’s why Whitmer, Attorney General Dana Nessel and the FBI conducted this entrapment scheme and transparently false flag operation against the Wolverine Watchmen militia.  They Left, as is the entire Democrat leadership, is in a reflexive pattern of blaming all of their serious sins and treasonous crimes on the Right.

Let’s face it: no one does projection like Democrat VIPs.  They have constantly accused Trump of committing every crime they have IN FACT committed.  Not only does this somehow assuage their guilt, this despicable tactic further enrages their base against the innocent POTUS.

No one even knows if this Wolverine Watchmen militia group is real or fake.  For all anyone knows, its a front set up by the FBI to draw unsuspecting patriots into their web of deceit and duplicity.  In this way, the despotic Michigan government dominated by Democrats is attempting to paint all militias with the broad brush of terrorism.

Whitmer, Nessel and other officials have been wanting to ostracize and shut down all militias operating in the state ever since they protested, with weapons in tow, at the state capitol.  That unprecedented show of legitimate force in Lansing could not go unanswered lest other militias become empowered by similarly flexing their muscles

Whitmer and Nessel have both conducted themselves with a shocking degree of disrespect for the Constitution as well as ignorance of basic civil rights throughout the Covid scare.  So, they know they have a LOT of angry citizens to face the longer the fake Plandemic goes on.  Hence, they colluded with the FBI set this sensational precedent as a means of scaring the Patriot Movement statewide.

Really, who would ever even think of kidnapping this political terrorist and government hitman?!?!

Incidentally, the FBI formed a special unit decades ago to conduct exactly this type of “Infiltration and Entrapment” operations known as COINTELPRO.  This juvenile kidnapping operation in Michigan has all the hallmarks of such an amateur black op that COINTELPRO was once infamous for.


The FBI is positively not a federal law enforcement agency; rather, it has morphed into a full-blown protection racket for the rich and powerful, wealthy and influential.

That four years has elapsed since the greatest series of criminal conspiracies was carried out by Obama-era officials and Democrat politicos, Deep State operatives and Globalist instigators without a single arrest or prosecution is inconceivable.  How is it that the FBI is aware of every treasonous crime spree and seditious crime wave and yet the agancy has not made a one arrest or sent a single referral to the DoJ.  That’s because their primary function is to ensure the complete protection and shielding of the power elite from both criminal and civil prosecution.

Perhaps the FBI’s main function is to systematically cover up the blatant criminality and corruption of the U.S. Federal Government, Corporate America and numerous Non-governmental Organizations that are routinely used to perpetrate some of the worst crimes against humanity.

This is why the FBI contrived and acted on this ridiculous kidnapping hoax in Michigan.  Gov. Whitmer plays a crucial part in the execution of THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC.  Her tyrannical leadership throughout this government-sponsored criminal conspiracy has served as a totalitarian ‘model’ for other Democrat governors to follow.  Hence, the well-hidden CORONAhoax decision-makers are determined to solidify her standing any way they can.  For this devastating Plandemic can only continue with the Whitmers of the world cruelly betraying their constituencies at every turn of Covid events.

State of the Nation
October 8, 2020

Editor’s Note

The following SOTN link will take you to a ZeroHedge post that has a comment section full of excellent analyses and penetrating insights into this FBI black op and Michigan psyop: Was the fake FBI kidnapping plot carried out to put Governor Whitmer’s enemies on the defensive?

Here are some Gretchen truth memes to share in your network:





Is Mike Pompeo a Foreign Agent?

Inquiring AIM Cats want to know why Secretary Pompeo would have even considered participating in the Atlantic Council event that he cancelled due to travel. This former CIA-man is also SES so be forewarned. Here’s the cancelled event.

Just who does Pompeo work for? The Queen, the Pilgrims, the CIA, and/or the SES?

Pompeo’s Senate disclosure [Senate version click here] includes obviously intentional low-quality scans prevent indexing and numerous pages skewed 90 degrees.

We have attempted to make it more readable and searchable [Senate version, de-skewed and enhanced for indexing], but one thing we do observe: Pompeo makes no mention of his membership or associations to the British Pilgrims Society, which he certainly could not have avoided given the deep involvement (the so-called “Five Eyes special relationship”) of British MI6, MI5 and GCHQ with the C.I.A., FBI and NSA intelligence in the Trump-Russia hoax.

Kamala Harris Birth Certificate and Hillary’s October Surprise Busted

Michael updates Tyla and Douglas on what the miners found today in the Kamala Harris illegal alien situation. Shattering news for the Democrats!

Deport Kamala Harris and Ilhan Omar


Raw audio file:

Why haven’t these ILLEGAL ALIENS been deported – like yesterday? Not only are they here illegally, they hold office in Congress which is a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT…and on top of that one of them is running in the 2020 election in order to interfere with our election process before and after November 3.

crooked hillary garrison

By running Kamala, the Democrats know they have a perfect lawfare weapon to confuse the election, a George Soros tactic used in overthrowing regimes all over the world. Gives Hillary the perfect opportunity to use the crisis to her benefit.

Hillary knows that Kamala is an illegal alien – they have been blackmailing Harris with this for a long time. Now Hildabeast will use this snafu to step in and “save the day” for the DNC.


DACA Expired


Hillary Clinton in a Biden administration? ‘I’m ready to help in any way I can.’


Is Hillary Clinton behind another BIRTHER challenge? She did it before…will she do it again?

Hillary Clinton Awarded The 2013 Lantos Human Rights Prize

Hillary Clinton started the birther movement that questioned President Obama’s nationality during the 2008 presidential campaign. Perhaps she is the one who is behind Kamala’s phony citizenship narrative. Ask your downline how they feel about Hillary’s sneaky attempt to throw Kamala, the illegal alien, under the bus and grab the reigns of power from Biden-Harris in one fell swoop.

Was this going to be Hillary’s October surprise?


AIM Patriot Peter writes:

Consider why they waited so late to announce Kamala. Probably for the very reason you are pushing in your narrative about Kamala not being a US citizen allowed to be VP.  It will have to be argued in the courts and by the time that is done, the voting will be over. Next in line is another geriatric, Nancy.  That leaves the fourth in line of succession:  Secretary of State. Want to bet that whoever is named Secretary of State will be the real US President if the Democrats come to power? This is a deep game, and the bad guys are going all out.

phony kamala


royal family kamala harris joe biden

In the meantime, the propaganda media channels are circling the wagons saying it’s not fair to ask if candidates meet qualifications to run for office!

Trump slammed for not rejecting conspiracy theory Kamala Harris is ineligible for vice presidency


kamala harris not a citizen


AIM Patriot ‘The Apostle’ writes:

I wish US citizens would take a refresher constitution course to understand it and its bill of rights. If Kamala’s parents were under the jurisdiction of their native countries of Jamaica and India at the time of her birth, then Kamala is NOT a US citizen according to the 14th amendment. The same argument held for Obama and it was allegedly shown that the birth certificate he produced to congress was forged in 7 different places. Congress did nothing so as not to have a constitutional crisis and he was on his way out of office.


kamala harris qualifications

kamala harris afi 2

Aug. 08, 2020—A year ago we felt compelled to dig in to then candidate Kamala Harris’ family background to know her better. We were especially interested in vetting her support of reparations for black Americans, since she claimed she was black and had been persecuted. In fact, she attended only select schools and her tear-jerking story that she had been racially attacked during school busing has been proven false.

What we discovered was alarming. Many of Kamala’s claims are contradicted by the facts. Her Berkeley PhD student father, Donald Jasper Harris, was British/Jamaican, and listed himself so, on her birth certificate. Not black. Not creole. Not white. Jamaican.

Donald was being sponsored by foreign governments and diplomats associated with the British Privy Council, Pilgrims Society and United Nations. Therefore, her claim to anchor baby status does not apply. In addition, Donald and wife Gopalan were living in student housing and had no qualifying residence and domicile to qualify for 14th Amendment birthright status in that regard.

Donald Harris was sent to the United States from Jamaica as a British citizen. See Donald J. Harris. (Aug. 07, 1959). Arrival, San Juan Puerto Rico Passenger and Crew Lists, Age 20, b. Aug. 23, 1938, Kingston, Jam., Nationality: British, A3534-San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1957-1959, Voyage No. 334/404. National Archives.

Most telling in this record is Donald’s declaration of Permanent Address. That line is mysteriously blurred out. But we can still read “Spanish Town, Jamaica.” There is a Spanish Town about 15 miles west of Kingston, the capital.

kingston jamaica

Corrupt Kamala immigration attorneys would have motivation to blur out Donald’s declaration of Permanent Address in Spanish Town, Jamaica. Because, in order for Kamala to claim “birthright citizenship,”  Donald’s legal residence and domicile, as a student, would have had to have become his student housing address in California, just a few years after this declaration.

Foreign students rarely get such privileges, esp. one who had arrived in America as British, and then became Jamaican following home rule in 1962—unless you work for the (British) Pilgrims Society and get special treatment.

Anchor baby issues aside, Kamala is a fraud on the issues of reparations and so-called systemic racism alone—her great great grandfather Hamilton Brown enslaved both whites, blacks and creole, & trafficked those souls. She has no moral authority to speak on those issues. Kamala’s family background is systemically racist, by the fake news’ own definition.

Even more shocking is the fact that Kamala’s great great grandfather Hamilton Brown, by her father’s own admission, was a notorious British slave trader in Jamaica. Many times he records having taken slaves as payment for his legal fees from fellow slavers. He abused his slaves by direct testimony of a British eyewitness who was working for him as an intern.

Brown did not care from where he acquired his slaves. He had black, creole, white Irish, white German, white Portuguese slaves. How do we know? The British archives preserved the names of Hamilton Brown’s claimed slave properties. To this day Brown’s Town Jamaica is named after Kamala’s great great grandfather. So much for her moral authority on the issue of reparations, or systemic racism.

Full story.


Cambridge Five 2.0 – Sambei, Dearlove, Andrew, Steele, Halper

AIM Patriot Tim knew we would like to see this LaRouche article. Confirms our last few reports on the Cambridge Five 2.0 (Sambei, Dearlove, Andrew, Steele, Halper), yet notice that the writer Barbara Boyd does not discuss Arvinder Sambei.

Blind spot or on purpose, Barbara?

British Intelligence And The Coup Against Trump; How Much Will Be Revealed?

arvinder sambei afiWhy didn’t Barbara Boyd connect the dots to Sambei…then it is so easy to see how Bob Mueller was handled by the British to run the coup state-side after Gina Wray, the CIA station chief in London at the time, gave the plan a thumbs up and approved Robert Hannigan’s shenanigans with John Brennan in wiretapping Trump Towers so that Obama could attempt a George Soros regime change right here in America. There’s a name for that, folks:

high treason

mueller comey saunders sambei


There’s a final solution for traitors. Ask the Lebanese.

lebanon hanging noose
Watch the tweet.Push through your downline.


betsy ross giorgio


Sambei and Mueller, best buddies since 9-11. Sambei is the Queen’s tranny who has been Mueller’s handler since the 9-11 FBI cover-up operation.

Treason: Who Terrorized Americans and the World on 9-11?

sambei mueller arvinder


giorgio kittens in basket


brennan wray traitors


Is Kamala Harris an illegal alien? She even fails the “anchor baby” test!

Kamala Harris fails even the “anchor baby” claim

kamala harris

Some Kamala-defenders claim she is an anchor baby and qualified for U.S. citizenship solely by her place of birth.

In the last 24 hours, our exposé of Kamala’s bogus citizenship claims, we have received some pushback by an almost visceral “she’s an anchor baby!” reaction to the question of Kamala Harris’ citizenship. It should not be a question at all if Kamala were being sincere about her interest to serve the American public.

Given her father Donald’s resume, she looks like just another groomed recruit for the Pilgrims Society and their offspring at the U.N. and Council on Foreign Relations.

fellowships awards harris

harris professional activities

At best, the anchor baby concept is thin legal theory.

It takes a leap of logic to interpret the 13th Amendment to allow for citizenship by arguing that a newborn baby is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. at birth merely by virtual of his or her presence in the U.S.

Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”[10]

In 1898, the U.S. Supreme Court did take a precedent steps to clarify what “jurisdiction” meant in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). The Wong circumstances were not dissimilar to Kamala’s whose father was a PhD graduate student at the University of California Berkeley. See Kamala’s birth certificate below.

wong kim ark

In addition, every non-US parent of a baby born in the U.S. has natural citizenship rights for himself and his child based upon the citizenship laws of his home country. Those rights cannot be usurped just because a citizen is a student in America.

In Donald Jasper Harris’ case, that is Jamaica. Jamaican law is very clear about Kamala’s citizenship at birth:

“Every person born outside Jamaica shall become a citizen of Jamaica . . . on that the date of his birth.”

jamaican citizenship

Section 3C(b), Citizenship by decent, Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962. (Jul. 25, 1962). Caribbean and North Atlantic Territories, Statutory Instruments, 1962 No. 1550, Amendments through 2011 appended. Queen Elizabeth and Privy Council.

India has a similar law if one chooses to focus on Kamala’s Caucasian Indian mother’s citizenship instead. See Part II, Sec. 5, Citizenship. The Constitution of India. (Nov. 9, 2015). Government of India, Ministry of Law and Justice.

So, unambiguously, by the laws of citizenship in Donald’s Jamaica, Kamala was born with Jamaican citizenship.

The open question remains whether she is a dual citizen by virtue of her birth in the United States.

To answer this we must turn to the 14th Amendment and the Supreme Court’s clarification of “jurisdiction” in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898).

The Wong Kim Ark decision created a simple test for jurisdiction for which all the elements must be true before it applies:

  1. Child was born in the U.S;
  2. Birth parents are citizens of, and subject to the laws of, a foreign country;
  3. Birth parents have “a permanent domicile and residence in the United States;”
  4. Birth parents “are carrying on business;” and
  5. Birth parents “ are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity” by the country of their citizenship”

This is Kamala’s test to qualify as an “anchor baby:”

  1. Child was born in the U.S.?
    YES, Kamala’s birth certificate says she was born at Kaiser Foundation Hospital at 9:28pm on Oct. 20, 1964
  2. Birth parents are citizens of, and subject to the laws of, a foreign country;
    YES, Kamala’s birth certificate shows that her father Donald is a citizen of Jamaica and her mother Gopalan is from India.
  3. Birth parents have “a permanent domicile and residence in the United States;”
    NO, a student residence is generally not considered a permanent domicile and residence. Rather, for a college student, for example, a home residence is considered his legal domicile while his student abode is temporary. For example, a student cannot list her student housing residence in another state in order to qualify for in-state tuition. Likewise, a student cannot claim a student address as permanent domicile to meet the Wong rule and enable his or her newborn to become a U.S. citizen! When Kamala was 12, her mother moved Kamala and her sister to Canada for graduate work at McGill University. Kamala attended high school in Westmount, Quebec, graduating in 1981. Did she claim Canadian citizenship during that period? That would put her under the jurisdication of the British Crown with regard to the Wong test.

Occasionally, a student residence can be used as legal domicile, if the person has the provable intent to make it permanent. Even that was not the case with Donald Harris. Kamala was born in 1964. Donald received his PhD at Berkeley in 1966, two years later, then they moved to the University of Illinois (Asst. Prof., 1966-67), then Northwestern (Asst. Prof., 1967-68),  then University of Wisconsin (Assoc. Prof., 1968-72), then Stanford (Econ. Prof., 1978-98). The evidence is clear that Donald had no intention of making his Berkeley address at the time of Kamala’s birth his legal domicile..

Therefore, Kamala does not qualify as a U.S. Citizen under Wong based on the domicile test.

4. Birth parents “are carrying on business;” and
NO. Donald Jasper Harris was a full time PhD student at Berkeley when Kamala was born. See also Kamala’s birth certificate. Therefore, Kamala does not qualify as a U.S. Citizen under Wong based on the business test.

5. Birth parents “ are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity” by the country of their citizenship”
NO, the evidence is clear that Donald Jasper Harris was working for the U.N. and Jamaican government. His resume is a litany of relationships to foreign governments: Shell Scholar (Jamaica), 1957; Issa Scholar (Jamaica), 1961; Faculty Fellow, Economics, Cambridge University, England, 1966; Ford Foundation Visiting Fellow, Delhi School of Economics, India, 1968; Associate Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, England, 1969, 1971; Distinguished Visiting Professor, Yale University, 1977-78; Associate Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge University, England, 1982; National Research Council-Ford Foundation Fellow, 1984-85; Fulbright Scholar, Brazil, 1990, 1991; Fulbright Scholar, Mexico, 1992; Visiting Scholar, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 1993-94

Donald’s resume states “Consultant to international agencies (UN, UNCTAD, UNDP, IDB, World Bank), governments, and private foundations.”


Therefore, Kamala fails this test as well. Her father was indeed being directed by non-US powers, including the U.N., by virtue of not passing the “not a diplomat or official capacity” test.


No proof of citizenship

Has Kamala become a naturalized American citizen?

She has produced no record of that, as was her duty the first time she ran for public office in California, and certainly is her duty now that she is the presumed Biden vice presidential running mate.

Put up, or shut up Kamala. We’re tired of having to dig around in your past because you are hiding secrets.

Grab your Kamala Harris independent media kit under the headline link below and spread around your information downline:

Biden picks not black-not eligible Kamala Harris as VP nominee

kamala harris birth certificate


Is Bill Barr Ignoring Huge Insider Trading Scam to Protect the Rothschilds,the Queen, and Bill Gates?


Reuters (UK) (Rothschilds) is directing the global mockingbird media Coronavirus “news” devised to inject DNA-altering substance into every human being on earth

On Jun. 13, 2020, announced AstraZenca Plc won global contract to distribute 2 billion COVID-19 vaccines

AstraZeneca is closely linked to Moderna Inc. in COVID-19 human trials already underway

On Jun. 23, 2020, announced AstraZenca Plc is allied with Pirbright Institute (UK); teed up a two-shot vaccine

Press release. (Jun. 13, 2020). AstraZeneca agrees to supply Europe with 400 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine. Reuters.

Kate Kelland. (Jun. 23, 2020). [Pirbright Institute] Pig trial of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine shows promise with two shots. Reuters.

AstraZenca/Moderna’s INTERLOCKING INTERESTS disqualify them from any involvement in Coronavirus whose patent is owned by the Pirbright Institute (U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701)

AstraZenca is controlled by the Pilgrims Society, UK government, U.S. DARPA, Bill Gates, Wellcome Trust, C.I.A., MI-6

ANALYSIS. (Aug. 05, 2020). AstraZeneca/GSK/Moderna’s Disqualifying Interlocking Relationships. Anonymous Patriots.

As we are waiting for Bill Barr to do his friggin’ job, we hand him on a silver digital platter ANOTHER citizen intelligence report, this time an insider trading scam that intends to harm billions of people. Do you think Barr and his team of Senior Executive Service attorneys can prosecute these folks for INSIDER TRADING?

Bill Barr 538 days no indictments

Read more:

Moderna’s totally disqualifying RED FLAG “strategic” relationships to the Queen, Wellcome Trust, and Bill Gates
