Who is the Fake Q?

This post by Anonymous


Who is fake Q and what is its goal? To bring on the new New World Order, one world religion, the ultimate promise of peace, the mark of the beast:

The “Q” Plan explained here:

Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn



  • Starting in 2013, a few groups starting talking about Restoring the Republic and having mass arrests to achieve this, using the military, NESARA, global currency resent and such ideas. Many ideas began even before then.
  • In 2016, “we” developed the embryonic ideas to take-down the Khabbalah, or cabal and began sharing these ideas. Prior to Trump being elected, we laid-out the plan to take-down the NWO and the banking cartel and with the help of much research and materials, found a way to do so without causing war.
  • CICADA was doing their challenges and puzzles also during this time.
  • Edward Snowden was publishing his material.
  • In 2017, around March, CICADA published some material that is being used by current Q.
  • From October to December, we began publishing the ideas of how to take-down the NWO on another board and we had Trump following us there and discussing the ideas with us, anonymously. He liked our ideas.

► This is when the Q character came-in on 8-chan, although various anonymous posters had been posting on 4-chan with some 20 different Ips.

► Enter Q around October of last year. By this time, we were already sharing our ideas with Trump on how to initiate our plan, the stages and how it would be accomplished. Trump liked our ideas and adopted them.

  • Enter various phases of Q – 4 different boards, some 4 different trip codes….

This is how Q was formed, as a synthesis of all of this.


“We” are the original creators of the Q” main ideas, plan of action and multiplicity of points he has made.

We are the original creators of the terms:

① The Quiet Storm.

② The Calm Before The Storm.

③ The Storm.


We laid it out all very minute detail before Trump was elected.
(More details to be posted on our new board, with proof of us as the original source).

THE PLAN TO RESTORE THE REPUBLIC and the original Constitution of 1787 – 1789 via use of the above items.

The plan to use the MIL for arrests was covered by others as far back as 2013.

The Plan to end the Fed. Our plan will work without crashing the economy. This was laid out in detail by another group who we encouraged to work with Potus, and whom he invited to Camp David.

The Blue-print for The New Republic – Detailed, pages of the entire plan to re-build the nation, published at the time and shared for all to see. (All this to be presented on our new board coming soon).

We devoted hundreds of hours to studying the true history of our Republic, (not that which is taught in school, corrupted by the bankers), the current state of our Republic.

The plan to take-down the NWO, laid-out in step by step in detail (in the following links).

We are the authors of ”’The Civilization of the Future”’ and The Plan to explore space using 0 point energy.

We are the creators of many technological innovations and revolutionary ideas.

We are the ones who POTUS was following last year on another board. He liked our ideas and adopted them. Q now is reflecting everything we created and mixing-it-up with CICADA and ideas of others.

In Summary

Fake Q is a CIA – US Intel connected shill. He uses CICADA and other material he steals to try to sound legit. (CICADA itself may be a CIA creation), in fact. Some members of CICADA claim to be the original creators of Q anon. There was never any legit Q anon that is not connected to either CICADA or the CIA. Code Monkey claims that the current Q was comped someone in January or possibly even before. Q claims Code Monkey was locked-out of the board when Q was. Neither are true and Code Monkey denied both on the same day. Some who claim they have spoken with Code Monkey testify to this.

Current Q attacks those exposing him because he is a dis-info agent, colluding with all of these SES crime syndicate members – Sessions***, Wray, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Peter Strzok, Mueller , many others and the 500 SES lawyers in the DOJ, all trying to take-down Trump. Gowdy is also actually propping-up Hillary as well. Jeff Sessions getting something done? Ya, right. Has thousands of lawyers at the corrupted DOJ yet can only find one lawyer to investigate that which Congress wants to be in charge of. And he claims to have assigned some mysterious agent outside of D.C. to investigate, yet nobody knows who it is, not even Congress.

This is just a cover-up. Either Sessions reveals the name now, cooperated with Congress or he must be impeached and removed immediately.

Fake Q has failed miserably because he is telling you to trust Sessions and Wray – TWO SES CRIME SYNDICATE MEMBERS. SES – SERCO and all their allies – ILLUMINATI – is a global criminal organization trying to take-down Trump. Fake Q is the real one who has failed miserably. This rogue anonymous “Q” movement on 8-chan is connected to the Nazis, to Soros, (Queen family also connected to the Nazis) to the worse scum on the Internet and in the world. We will continue to expose these 8 chan clown agents, all of them working on the chan to discredit those exposing their crimes.

Just as Hillary and the SES 18 guns for hire are guilty of murder, (See Able Danger videos on this). Q is also guilty of colluding with these SES criminals to try to take-down Trump by propping-up Sessions, an SES member, and the other SES members he orders all to trust, who via the 500 lawyers at the DOJ, are manipulating the entire government agencies, all working to take-down Trump.

Rothschilds, banking cartel, banking families. Knights of Malta (banking cartel), Jesuits, Black Pope, Khazarian mafia, fake Jews, the Nazis, the Swiss Octogon, all connected:

The Power Structure of the NWO



40 thoughts on “Who is the Fake Q?”

  1. It’s interesting that it is said here that
    The Quiet Storm is a creation of Anonymous. A smooth jazz radio station (think Kenny G type music) in the 80’s/ 90’s used their CALL letters as “The Quiet Storm”.

    Also, my friend that was in the military in the early/mid 90’s went to meetings to discuss the take down of the scalywags by our military so it was LONG before 2013 that the idea came about. I had a reliable retired military source say the take down conversations started in talk mode in the 60’s – but took many years for the process to start. Many are playing a giant role. This who’s first stuff bugs me. I’m thinking of the song from the mid 80’s ‘Everone wants to rule the world’ and a new song should be created ‘Everyone wants to be first to say they started the take down.’ 😘
    I think Anonymous is creating a huge role and I thank them. My X and I taught current fraud events in the 90’s and we were a seed to the current red-pilling, too but we are certainly happy others played a role before us and after us.

    We ALL matter. Thanks for exposing the 2 Q’s. The Trust Sessions / Wrey thing does make me question. But just WHAT IF they switched to the light? I believe it’s possible ‘some’ can flip no different than a drug and alcohol addict flipping. Just wondering. I decided to stay neutral at this point, so ThankQ. So it’s a a fake Q – but isn’t it red-pilling thousands? I’m confident we’ll all be just fine.
    The truth ALWAYS wins. 🙂

    1. Sorry but fake Q is red-pilling everyone with lies and poison. You may think you are being red-pilled but in fact it is truth mixed with deadly lies, such as trust Sessions. This story of Mueller or Sessions flipping is an old one and no one should be buying that anymore. We know Sessions is an enemy of the state – period. So do not try to cover for him and say “everything will be fine”. That is La La land. Did you see what Trump is now doing with Syria? Wake-up? Where is the so called plan?

      Please see my post below from a few minutes ago and the links and you will understand better how we can claim to know who initiated Q – those who we have mentioned. But certainly the creator of “Q” is not exclusive to only those we have mentioned. I am aware also that the ideas to use the military go back before 2013, as my post above noted.

      See the links and be wise yet harmless as a dove.

  2. Nice job on posting this!!

    Yesterday we provided info on how the terms Q uses such as “The Calm Before the Storm”, “The Storm” and the ideas he implements of taking down the pyramid, of MIL arrests, taking-down Soros and other ideas Q presents are actually not his own, but ours, those of CICADA, of Edward Snowden and of others as far back as 2013. We posted a link (re-posted below) which outlines the posts we made on a forum way before Q entered the scene, where we stated that “A quiet storm” was rising and then we stated a month later it had turned into a storm, way before any person going by the name of Q had posted. By the time the trip-code “Q” posted, we had already posted all the plan to take down the NWO, the pyramid and put it all together into a workable actionable plan.

    Q simply stole this plan, claimed it to be his own then came out and accused us saying “You failed”. Thus, Q is a liar, a thief and a copy-cat. So who is the true failure if not this fake Q?

    We have posted images of our posts on a legitimate board that was taken-down by Amazon and the clowns around January 05th of this year. Since all of our hundreds of posts on restoring the Republic were wiped, no trace exists on the Internet of the hundreds of posts we made. We have html copies of all of it however. On the board where we posted this, we believe Trump came in and was observing. (We gave him our code to recognize us someday, if needed). And someone going by the name of “Q” also created a thread and said he would present to us his “latest cues.” (We have html copies of all the many pages discussion with him especially in December of last year. Yet current Q claims no communications past, present future outside 8 chan and 4 chan. How can this be? Obviously an attempt to obfuscate what actually took place and hide who created the movemnt).

    So I engaged a discussion with this “Q” for about two months on that same board and this ended around December 28th or so, when the board shut-down our Q discussion thread and erased it. Just before shutting it down, the board had some clown agents come in and issue to us death threats, accusing us of destroying their board. Immediately they erased the comments, closed and erased the thread. Five days later the entire board was wiped clean as a slate. Thousands upon thousands of pages gone. The Blueprint to Restore The Republic wiped clean. All ordered by Amazon, where the site was hosted, run by Jeff the Bozo, the clown agent man.

    Our posts were being shadow banned, were not showing up in Google searches, while all the other posts were. Our posts were under HEAVY attack, as we laid out the plan to restore the Republic in minute detail. Notice that if you look at even the first original posts of Q even none of those things “Q” claims have actually taken place. So we suspect Q is LARP from the get-go. There was never any legitimacy to anything any version of Q has stated, since the original posts are full of disinfo and nothing any of the various versions of Q, from anonymous version to trip-code triped-out versions (Some 20-30 ips used for anon posting and then he created about 5 different trip code versions of himself on 5 different board or site locations).

    Even the move from 8-chan to 4-chan illustrates how the entire thing is a larp. Q and 8 chan claim the Q trip code from 4 chan remained the same, as they moved him to 8-chan. This is impossible, since trip codes are computer generated and 8 chan is a different site, so anyone typing in Q and a password on a new site would generate a completely different trip code. Yet Q and 8-chan claim the same trip code was being maintained, with the same user name and same password when the move took place. This is not believable.

    Face it folks, NOTHING Q has predicted has come to pass. He is throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall, hoping something sticks. AND MOST of what he has predicted has not taken place. He is a copy-cat, a fake, a farce, a psy-op being run by The Clowns in America and their F_I counter-parts, in an attempt to run the controlled opposition effort, to be in control of the restoration of the Republic which we, Karen Hudes and other groups have created, so as to hy-jack and undermine it.

    Dozens if not hundreds of thousands of people along with their Youtube shills and dozens of Q boards and channels are all either fooled or are shills, spinning and running with the “Q” narrative, all to actually undermine the restoration of the Republic, by presenting to you a copy made in China of poor quality. And so, will you continue to fall for it or will you help us expose it and restore the Republic? The choice is yours.

    We have hundreds of pages we created at the time and it could take us a year to re-create it all and re-post it all.

    Here are just a few samples:

    Please see this link here to find-out truly who created the Q terms “Calm Before the Storm”, “The Storm” and who initiated the Q movement:


    Again, Q is a combination of our ideas which he stole, CICADA, Edward Snowden writings and the ideas of others from 2013. We have posted the initial proof. Someone with white hat NSA contacts can confirm such posts were made on another board at that time, as noted in the above link. We tell the truth. Can you handle the truth or will you run with the fake Q, feeding your hopes creating a delusion of smoke and mirrors? Will you fall for the joker or trust in God above to help us restore the Republic stolen from us? The choice is yours. As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord.

    Please see these posts about the origin and creators of Q anon:







  3. Wow did I ever get you upset Anonymous.
    Hmmm did I say Mulear? No I didn’t.
    Please don’t put words in my statements I did not say. I only said ‘What If’? I do have
    the right to question. I wrote the article staying neutral until I figure out what’s real and not real. Let me learn like I have been trying to do since 1979. There’s no need to criticize your fellow patriot.

    1. Ok, good, Marilyn (Monroe? he he) you didn´t fall for the “Mueller is our guy” thing but are unsure about the Jeff Sessions thing. AIM has clearly laid-out how Sessions is an enemy of the state. Still in doubt?

      Thank you for exposing the Clintons in the 90s also and much more. Oh, sorry if the La La land thing upset you also. Did not mean to be too harsh, just trying to get people to really look into things is all. Have a nice day in La…. (oops, LoL, sorry.). Just joking. Ha ha ha ha ha

      1. I read what AIM said about Sessions. I agreed. I was still asking “What If”? Yeah you were WAY too harsh. Ive not just been looking since 18 years old but a student of common law, our republic, and the history of the scalywsgs who usurped us.

        Did you ever hear of the “SpotLight” newsletter that was WAY before the internet?
        Started in 1975, but I started reading it in 1979 to learn the truth and history. It went under in 2000. Not sure if the internet interest or the scslywags took them down. Was the best ever. My X and I got arrested for telling the truth to wake people up about our fraud history. We were called ‘Terrorists’
        LOL. But the farthest we got was the back seat of the cop car and the punk cops sageant said to let us go.

        Lala land joke? – yeah, how cute of you. 🤨

    2. Ok, comments were not intended as criticism but an alert. The issue of whether Jeff Sessions is working for Trump or not should be off the table. This issue has been clearly laid-out by AIM. This is the issue. if you took offense with this revelation and commentary, then sorry. We are simply helping everyone get to the truth. Thank you and no offense.

  4. Douglas Gabriel aka Thomas Paine-

    I will only be reading your site and no longer posting my thoughts. No one is 100% correct, ever – except our creator.
    You site is the one of the few non BS sites
    in our day. I have a right to question. Yeah I’m wrong a lot. So what. Everyone is. I’m right a lot too. So are others. So is anonymous but I just don’t want to be told to Wake Up or I’m in la la land – even though that made me laugh really hard!! ….especially when I’ve exposed the Clintons back in the early 90’s and so much more. I’m a patriot and the criticism needs to stop. Salute to you and all the anons!!

    1. Oh, come-on this site needs patriots like yourself. Don´t give-up! One needs to be challenged once in a while. Everyone does. Not one single person is always right and we all stand to be corrected. No offense and have a wonderful day! Anon.

      1. Oh I don’t care about a challenge – but “insults” to your fellow patriots comments do not interest nor encourage me.

  5. Oh yes, and another note.

    Do not forget to read this link posted above in the article:

    Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn


    Notice how everything Q claims is taking place is described in this article. It is the new New World Order. Just a switch from one world order to another is all. The end result is the same – one world religion, the mark of The Beast.

    Have a nice day.

    1. As the author of the Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn, I appreciate that you are sharing it with your readers and encouraging them to read it.

      I respectfully disagree that the controlled demolition of the New World Order is simply a plan to replace it with a new New World Order. Replacing slavery with freedom? The result could not possibly be more different.

      World peace? Sure, what’s wrong with that? But NOT through world government, that’s what the cabal wants. The truth is, all we need in order to achieve world peace is to take down the cabal—we only still have wars because of these banksters. We can have national sovereignty AND world peace. No NWO.

      The Protocols do make predictions about the natural evolution of secular religious/spiritual practices, especially after the release of occult advancements. That is NOT anything near a mandatory one world religion, proposed by the cabal NWO. And suggesting it somehow advocates taking the mark of The Beast?! Seriously?

      Anyway, please check out the latest installment. You’ll notice that I followed your lead, and made sure to address both the SES and SERCO. Let’s remember, we are on the same team:)

      Revelations of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn (Part 1)



      1. (Posting again as post not showing-up as being under review for some reason).

        Ok, thanks for posting the link!!
        Glad to hear from you!!


        1. Are you the sole author or was this written by a group?

        2. Why do you use the name of an Illuminati – Mason off-shoot group?

        3. Your original article expresses exactly what the original Q from last year said. How is that?

        4. Most Christians believe that the NWO will bring-on one religion and the Mark of The Beast. Your proposal supports one religion. Thus, it would be a fullfillment of prophecies. Ideas?

        Some interesting information for your review:

        Secret Recording From 1967 PERFECTLY Describes Events In 2018


        Evaluation of Trump Policies – Syria and over-seas.




        (Posting again as post not showing-up as being under review for some reason).

      2. When you have all these links contained in a comment, it has to be manually approved. We get to them a few times a day…but always get to them,

      3. 1. I am the sole author. I also stand on the shoulder of giants.

        2. I’ve already answered this question; here is my answer:

        I purposely used occult language to take back the misused terminology. Both ‘Illuminated’ and ‘Golden Dawn’ have the most noble of meanings. They have been twisted, at times, like many originally POSITIVE ancient symbols (pyramid, swastika, eye of Horus) by dark occultists.

        I believe spiritual Illumination is too important a concept/word to give up, just because some cabal of pedophiles like to call themselves ‘Illuminati.’ The sick reality they are trying to hide (with their mind games) is that Light/Truth is what they fear most. The ‘Eye of Horus’ represents Christ consciousness, which is something else they fear—us awakening.

        The dawning of a Golden Age is naturally a ‘Golden Dawn.’ The imagery is unparalleled as an embodiment of the Great Awakening. It is also a reawakening to the Gold standard for money, and the Golden rule for morality. Even the Golden ratio encodes divine geometry into nature as the ever present fingerprints of divine creation. It is a WAY too important a phrase to let die with Crowley, or anyone else.

        I believe it is also not a ‘coincidence’ that our president is a golden hued man named Don. He respresents the end of the dark age. His selection was symbolic, to the occultists of the cabal, to our subliminal minds, and also the history books—as the future will prove the past.

        I used the double entendre of Sun/Son to symbolize that we are all Sons of the Don, as patriots, but also Suns of the Dawn, as our collective light is what brings about the Great Awakening, and the dawning of the Golden Age.

        Finally, I used the ‘Protocols’ name/format as a parody of the ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.’ It was a most notorious text, written nearly a century ago, (of highly disputed origins) which outlined precisely how the cabal would construct their NWO. It details the use of pedophile blackmail, bribery, control of the media’s lies, and the rest of the deep state’s dirty tricks. I found it humorous to write the antidote to the NWO using their own style, words, and format.

        3. The phenomena of Cicada 3301, Q, and the Illuminated Suns series are all related components of a process of a self-organizing conspiracy. We are the Alliance, comprised of former and current intelligence operatives, and patriotic civilians, openly conspiring to take down the cabal. In case you haven’t noticed, we are in the midst of a civil war, and we are winning.

        What you call ‘Fake Q’ is a military intelligence PSYOP, a combination of good intel with some disinformation; the objective is to gain momentum for the Great Awakening, and red-pill millions, in preparation for the controlled demolition of the cabal, mass arrests, and military tribunals.

        If you’ve read the Protocols, you will have noticed that the first Protocol is Gaslight the Media. As the credibility of the mainstream media is steadily demolished, the following of Q by alternative media channels and millions of Americans increases. This process will continue until population sentiment reaches a threshold. This is how we manage the greatest shift in power in history, with the least amount of chaos and collateral damage.

        4.The NWO is already here, and they have already instituted a one world religion throughout the upper echelon of the power structure. They had plans to expand this religion of Satanism (via blackmail slavery) to the rest of the population. This is what we are in open revolt against.

        When people are freed from slavery, and when the truth of God becomes more obvious and accessible to everyone, there will be a natural alignment with truth, freedom, and love. No one will be told to stop being Christian, or Buddhist, or Muslim. And the mandatory one world religion will be destroyed. The collective rejoicing in the wake of the destruction of this false religion will have a natural unifying effect, but with no coercion. People will be united by their shared freedom. This is different from being united by shared slavery.

        As for oaths, Christianity already specifically forbids oaths. That’s in the Bible, which is already in direct conflict with secret societies. These are the type we are talking about. If you want to swear allegiance to God, love, truth, freedom, Jesus—knock yourself out. The Truth is Divine, and the Divine is Truth. Getting in touch with the Elohim directly—Illumination—is what it’s all about.

        The type of oaths and contracts we are referring to voiding are secret oaths to secret societies and Satanic soul contracts—human oaths, and corrupt spiritual contracts—which compel immoral behavior.

        No one is going to be told to renounce Jesus, so you can un-bunch your panties. This is NOT the NWO.

        Nor are religious zealots going to be allowed to bring about the Armageddon.

        That’s all. I have no interest in debating religious dogma. If you don’t understand our intentions after this clarification, then I don’t know what else to say.

      4. A NEW REVIEW – re-posting as was posted two days ago and is not showing-up yet for review. Thanks.

        C-Change, About your article here:


        Great thanks! You even got posted as a link on the AIM main pages!

        Your article is great and well written. A few high-lights of things it is missing however:

        Does not mention the Power Structure of the NWO, that is, the Swiss Octogon Templars blood-line families which run the planet and the hierarchy under them – the Nazis of the Queen, the Khazarian mafia, the 3 city state. Fails to mention how the U.S. civil war never ended and we are in a state of inter-regnum and how the banking cartel took over Congress after the Civil War or how the gold standard and The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 dissolved the U.S. Fed Government and thus how Congress today is ilegit and how the Electoral College and the elections thus as a consequence are also illegit. Your article does not cover the illegal removal of the 13th amendment, other illegal changes to our Constitution by the British, the new organic fake Constitution, the amendments illegally added without ratification of the states, how the office of the special council was re-instated without approval of Congress at the time it was administratively re-instated and thus how the office of the special council is thus illegal and un-constitutional, it does not mention how the SES also was not ratified by Congress in the form it was created, thus also illegal and un-constitutional, how the DOJ, a Department of Justice within the executive branch and not answerable to any other branch of the government is thus operating in violation of the Constitution, how most if not all Federal agencies are carrying out activities in violation of the Constitution, including the Federal courts, the prisons for profit operated by SERCO, the FBI (A French private owned corporation), the CIA 9 (A Swiss private owned corporation) are operating in violation of the Constitution and have no legal charter to carry-out on U.S. soil the activities they do. You did not mention how the U.S. is a private corporation with charter in The Virgin Islands and French -owned. You did not mention that case law and U.C.C is just a cover for admiralty law. You did not mention how the IRS is operating in violation of the Constitution, how the Ronald Reagon Grace Commission report shows that 100% of American taxes go simply to service interest on the debt.

        Your article did not cover the Federal Reserve criminal nature and massive robberies and scams taking place. You failed to mention how the SES controls the U.S. Treasury, Congress, all Federal agencies, even though you briefly touched upon this.


        Please see these links for more information:

        The Power Structure of the NWO



        (Please see the pyramid image at the above link to understand how SES, the British Crown and the Khazarian mafia of the fake Jews fit into this).

        The private Federal Reserve Bank has stolen$25,000 Trillion from Indonesia Royal!


        The Storm is here.


        The Shadow Government – Banking Cartel Crime Spree


        ▶ Welcome to Oligarchy U.S.A.!!




        ▶ Well, well, lookie who is at Camp David!


        Freeing Humanity from the Banking Cartel: Karen Hudes Consulted by Trump – Patriots for Truth


        Please update your article, if you will, with information from these links and more historical context documents shall be added to our discussion board, with the true history of the U.S. and the subversion of our Republic illustrated. Please remember also to mention the U.S. is an Oligarchy currently and no longer a Republic. It is a private corporation. The national debt is one big huge scam and the banking cartel owes us TWO QUADRILLION DOLLARS. Thus, our national debt can be paid-back over-night.

        And more:

        Jeff Sessions Should Be Terminated ASAP





        NSA Bush – Obama Treason Gate Exposed


        Bush, Clinton, Obama, et al Indicted! 9-11!


        Robert Mueller Exposed.


        Our government has been involved in illegal wars, wars not ratified by Congress or the U.N., actions not ratified by the above, such as the Trump illegal bombing of Syria. Our government, Congress, Federal Reserve and alphabe agencies have been involved in extortion, massive theft, racketeering, black-mail, sabbotage of the Republic, murder, genocides, use of chemical weapons in wars, illegal wars, crimes against humanity, formation of a banking cartel, pedophelia, election fraud in the election of Congress people and the general elections and much much more!!

        More information and articles can be found here as well:


        Including this one:

        Evaluation of Trump Policies – Syria and over-seas


      5. I appreciate your supplementing of the article with additional disclosures. You claimed several that I did, in fact, include—but that’s ok. ALL of this information is helpful.

        The focus of the Revelations article is less about the specific structures and details of the control mechanism, although that information is certainly helpful and greatly appreciated.

        The real focus of the Revelations is on waking people up to the deceptions used to enslave them, and to the inevitable destruction of the cabal. It is as much for those within the cabal, as those outside of it. The cabal is going through controlled demolition from within, and helping to further catalyze this process is the chief intent of the Revelations.

        The whole power structure is undergoing a phase change. There is a mutiny within the power structure, which is changing the rules of the game. Slavery and lies are being eclipsed by freedom and truth. The military/scientific elite have finally turned on the old financial elite.

        This was inevitable—due to JFK and 9/11—but the specific timing is due to the imminent breakthrough of alternative energy technologies, and the final collapse of the petrodollar monopoly. The decapitation of the cabal has already happened:

        —Bin Salmon revolted against the rest of the Saudi Royalty last Fall.

        —Trump and the DIA revolted against the deep state (CIA, FBI, DHS, etc.), the Fall before that—when Trump was elected.

        This is a shift from dark occultism to light de-occultism.

        Light/truth has been weaponized. We who wield light as a weapon are the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn. We use our light to free slaves of the dark, and give them the light so they can take up arms with us. We have no club houses. There are no secret handshakes. We simply free humanity together by sharing the truth. The more light we shine, the faster we accelerate the Great Awakening.

        The power shift is well underway. We have actually already won. The death blows have already been landed. This is just the cleanup and wake up phase.

      6. C-Change,

        In your articles, you also mention how you prompt all to break all spiritual contracts in order to bring-on this new age of enlightment. However, all Christians who have a soul and spirit contract with The Holy Spirit and with Christ will never break such a contract and covenant, for in it lies the salvation of man kind. Thus, your plan truly is a unification of all religions and evokes New Age ceremonies to the tune of New Age music and such – all part of the NWO plan of One World Religion.

  6. Quote – Our Spirit says: April 18, 2018 at 10:27 am
    “When you have all these links contained in a comment, it has to be manually approved. We get to them a few times a day…but always get to them,”

    O.K. great, thanks! Please see my newest posts from the last days on the various pages. Thanks again.

  7. C-Change says: April 19, 2018 at 1:03 am post Reply by Anonymous:

    If POTUS represents the end of a dark Age, why has he not discussed ending the Fed? Why is he bombing Syria in violation of all international Law and without consulting Congress? Why is he whimpy and cannot even fire Sessions? Why is he using executive orders to seize assets that only help the banking cartel, by giving such assets to the banks that run the U.S = the banking cartel?

    It is not some collective light of some cultic group called Suns of the Dawn who will bring about The Great Awakening. It is the true Sons of God.

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is also written by the Khabbalah of the Khazarian mafia = the fake Jews. So you are propping-up the fake Jews?

    And you equate this fake Q with being part of an Alliance of former and current Intel operatives. Thus, you are giving legitimacy to this fake Q, propping it up, by making it sound legitimate.

    We are the true patriots. Your Zionist Khazarian mafia and MK Ultra operative are not the true patriots. Your fake Q is running a massive psy-op to deceive the masses, mixing truth with lies, such as “Trust Sesssions”, clearly an enemy of The State, of the people, of the Constitution and of We The People and of the true Sons of God.

    Q is not a military intelligence Psy-op. It is a psy-op yes, but not good. It is an NSA – rogue MIL and CIA psy-op run as MK-Ultra, to deceive the masses, mixing truth with lies.

    You say Q is a combination of good Intel with disinformation. It is more like mostly disinformation, false predictions, lies and evil commands such as “Trust Sessions”. We know the angels of Satan pretend to be angels of light. If you are not a son of God, you also are being decived by this psy-op of the servants of Lucifer.

    You advocate that all religions lead to God. This is pure Luciferian doctrine. You advocate for world peace. The Word of God clearly says that in the end times they will say “peace, peace” and sudden destruction will fall upon them.

    And Christianity does not forbid oaths. It clearly speaks of the new covenant of the blood of the lamb. This is an oath, a covenant of fellowship with God the Father by means of The Son, the sacrificial Lamb of God.

    You say:

    ” If you want to swear allegiance to God, love, truth, freedom, Jesus—knock yourself out. The Truth is Divine, and the Divine is Truth. Getting in touch with the Elohim directly—Illumination—is what it’s all about.”

    So in other words you deny that Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth, and The Life and there is none other? You advocate for some higher wisdom above the wisdom of Christ? This Illumination you refer to comes directly from The Illuminati, the secret society of those who belive they have a higher divine knowledge of wisdom. The very ones who run the banking cartel, the Global Pyramid of the NWO !!

    You say:

    “No one is going to be told to renounce Jesus, so you can un-bunch your panties. This is NOT the NWO.”

    What is this non-sense about “un-bunching panties”? This is not a respecful way of speaking with others certainly.

    I also have no interest in debating religious dogma, but clearly all you are presenting is pure Illuminati cultic dogma & ideologies = New Age, NWO stuff. Sorry, that is the pure truth of how we see it.

    Again, I am one of the creators of Q movement and current Larp Q has stolen from me, from CICADA, from Snowden and from others!!::::




    Fake Q = MK-Ultra, run by British Intel, Mossad, the CIA and the five I.

    Also, further evidence Q is a rogue Intel operation – as soon as I criticize Q on 8-chan, my Internet connection is persecuted for days, cut-off. They leave me alone if I do not post o 8-chan or criticize Q. As soon as I do, back come days of attacks upon my connections, vpns and connections in a massive assault. There you have it. Q is a rogue five I Intel operation. That is the plain truth. Nice try, but you failed.

    That is all there is to it.

    1. OK, Manny, I get that you have your ego tied up in your early participation in the creation of the self-organizing conspiracy that is Q. But this is how the snowball effect works. You roll the snowball down the hill, and it is no longer in your hands, as it grows larger and more powerful.

      Q is like the ‘Zhuang Zi.’ The first chapters were written by the great philosopher Zhuang Zhou, but then his followers kept writing chapters after he died. The original 7 chapters written by Zhuang Zhou will always be there, the ‘Inner Chapters,’ just as the early Q will always be there. The Q that follows can only be judged by what he says.

      What evidence do you have to suggest that it is now operated by the Zionist Kharazian mafia? Q is exposing the Khazarian mafia. Q is exposing Mossad operations, such as Epstein’s pedophile island where he minted fresh pedo-blackmail slaves with which to control the US government via pedocracy… This is what Q is exposing. YOU are the one trying to stop people from looking at the anti-Mossad, anti-Khazarian mafia information in the Q drops…

      Maybe YOU are a Mossad disinformation agent. Did they find some kiddy-porn on your HD, and now you’re a bitch of the Mossad? This honestly makes more sense than Q being Mossad.


      Military intelligence has already flipped the top of the power structure.

      The reason Q says ‘Trust Sessions’ is because it doesn’t matter that he is SES—or what crimes he may have done in the past—for Trump now holds the chain that leads to this man’s balls. Trump is the one man who can pardon Sessions, Mueller, etc. for their crimes over the years. So, they belong to him now. The whole thing is a charade, a careful and deliberate act of social engineering during the controlled demolition of the cabal.

      The game has been taken over, and the puppets have been commandeered. We will change the whole game—but first, we are playing the game and putting on a show, until everyone is ready for the finale.

      So, go ahead and keep attacking Q. Keep gaslighting the media, by pretending that Sessions is an obstructionist deep state agent sabotaging Trump’s progress. That is our first Protocol—Gaslight the Media—and we thank you for your service.

      1. Certainly you are the one who has your ego tied up in writing this document. The snowball has been stolen and is being spun by the MK ultra larp.

        Q is not exposing the Khazarian mafia, he is part of it. His exposure of the Epstein pedophile island is common knowledge. He did not expose anything new.

        THE BEST WAY TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION IS TO LEAD IT. That is what Q is doing. He is exposing things far off on an island, where nobody can verify anything, just as his revelations about some mysterious arrest in some hotel in China. How many spent endless hours trying to unravel that one and many other such fake revelations.

        Now you make false accusations at me, saying I am the one trying to stop people from looking into the anti-Mossa, anti-Khazaria mafia. Your false accusations only expose you further as controlled opposition.

        While we patriots are the true creators of Q and have nothing to do with Mossad, YOU only expose yourself as Mossad by making false lies and accusations only in an attempt to protect your fake Q facade. You are only exposing your lies and deceit further, as you meander now into unfounded accusations.

        You make false accusations about kiddy porn and other things you know nothing of and this only reveals your true colors as an agent of darkness and not of the light. No surprise as even the agents of Lucifer disguise themselves as angels of light.

        And there is NO PROOF that military intelligence has flippped the top of the power structure, since General Dunford and all top military people appointed by Obama are still calling the shots.

        Trump is no more in control of Sessions then he is of Mueller. They are both loose canon balls pointed at Trump and even AIM knows this. Trump will not do any deals with these traitors and if he does, he is not executing justice. There is NO PROOF whatsoever that Sessions or any of the other enemies of the Republic now belong to Trump. And we do have signals that Trump is being coerced to do things by blackmail, extortion and other means.

        There is no proof any game has been taken-over. You are making all types of false and un-verified statements. And yes, putting on a game and playing a show you are, but your controlled opposition is not working. We are too smart for you.

        You claim to be gas-lighting the media when you say you wrote the document alone and nobody else. So how can you claim now your plan is being followed by the military?

        You have just exposed the fact that you are either lying and did not write the document alone, or are representing a rogue group pretending to be patriots who have put together a document to present to the public to try to give credence to your fake Q.

        Again, nice try, but you failed.

        Thank you AIM for standing for the truth. Let us not fall for these banking cartel shills and fake Q supporters!



    Until We The People have secured our government, per THE PLAN we have elaborated, the idea of allowing anyone to conduct MILITARY ARRESTS AND TRIALS is actually dangerous, as it could be used actually to round-up dissidents and those opposed to the ILLUMINATI – ROTHSCHILD NWO.

    Especially considering that Trump may actually be under a form of blackmail and coercion, which would explain his sudden shift in policy towards Syria.

    In any case or whatever the case be with Trump,

    For the above reasons, it becomes necessary to follow THE PLAN, as outlined in this thread.

    The Solution to Free Humanity


    Notice how the martial law is already in effect at the present moment and thus the MILITARY arrests should only take place after we restore our Constitution and take the above steps.

    Otherwise, the ILLUMINATI and The New World Order will use this idea of MILITARY arrests to arrest the patriots!

    WE MUST FOLLOW A PLAN OR THE PLAN and not listen to fake Q, who is running an MK Ultra program of mass deceit!

  9. Found this on the chans:

    ▶ Strange YT-comment regarding #Q #MKultra


    8-chan looney bin being used to spread MK-ULTRA mind control fake Q messages:

    Comment made by another anon:

    Just found this comment on youtube on a video talking about Q stuff. Found it pretty interessting and it got me thinking that this guy might be on to something. If ((they)) use MKultra on their serfs to keep them in check etc, and if they ever need to punish someone but still keep them alive – wouldnt the loony-bin be the perfect spot? Hes right, nobodys gonna belive someone telling them about sick stuff going on inside a hospital, who would ever belive them? Anyways the comment read:

    “I wonder when people will figure out how the elite use mk-ultra to brainwash and make ‘soldiers’, or ‘start school’, as they call it, in psyciatric institutions. Whatever happens to those chosen, whom would belive a word they said when it happend inside a institution/hospital? Maby a hint will help you. If #Q is real and really on the cattles side, show urself and mention this. Or else sorry people, Q is a psyop. There is more codewording regarding other activities by these people, #Q what does playing golf meen in these cercumstanses? For those willing to listen, the truth echoes all around you at all time. Thats why they say that you enter a ‘new world’ once youve been inducted in their teachings, because when you look around you now you can see all their symbol everywhere, and when you know the meaning its telling you a story. Wonder why #Q wont mention this..”

    What to make of this?


    Is Trump truly in control? Is there really a plan on his part? Q is just a larp and lying. There is no plan on his part. IN THAT LIES THE DANGER considering Q is controlled opposition who has hi-jacked our patriotic movement!

    Until We The People have secured our government, per THE PLAN we have elaborated, the idea of allowing anyone to conduct MILITARY ARRESTS AND TRIALS is actually dangerous, as it could be used actually to round-up dissidents and those opposed to the ILLUMINATI NWO.

    Especially considering that Trump may actually be under a form of blackmail and coercion, which would explain is sudden shift in policy towards Syria.

    In any case or whatever the case be with Trump,

    For the above reasons, it becomes necessary to follow THE PLAN:

    The Solution to Free Humanity


    Notice how the martial law is already in effect and thus the MIL arrests should only take place after we restore our Constitution and take the above steps. Otherwise, the ILLUMINATI and The New World Order will use this idea of MIL arrests to arrest the patriots!

    WE MUST FOLLOW A PLAN OR THE PLAN and not listen to fake Q, who is running an MK Ultra program of mass deceit!

    People who say it does not make any difference if Q is legit or not are not only fooling themselves, they are putting everyone in danger by going into a blind state of trust in Q and not knowing whether Trump is being black-mailed, coerced and under attack! We have information saying that both Trump and his family are under attack! This would explain the sudden shift in Trump policies towards Syria!!

    Note: The clowns continue to attack our vpn and connections as we post this.

  11. Woe unto you who say “peace, peace” and reject the Word of God and The Son of God!

    There will be no peace on the earth while you reject The King and The Son of Man.

    You fight, accuse, destroy the earth and attack The Children of God and claim you are the light and you are knowledge. You dwell in iniquity and you reject The Prince of Peace.

    God has ordained: There will no peace on the earth while you reject the Prince of Peace.

    Your ambitions and plans shall come to naught. Your goals of a united world under new enlightment, guided by lying Spirits and esoteric knowledge shall come to nothing. It will be buried in the heap of nuclear destruction. Repent or earth for God is going to bring destruction upon you for you have sought peace by your own earthly carnal means and have rejected the only Prince of Light and Truth that God hath offered.

    The land lay waste while fools claim “Peace”.

    The earth is barren and laid to waste and the creation cries-out for the Sons of God will resurrect in unity and the dry bones shall again produce flesh. The army of God shall raise from the ashes and The Beast and his armies shall perish in the plains of Armageddon. The Lord God Almighty has decreed.

    The King cometh as a roaring Lion and the plains of Meribah shall be laid to waste. Zebulun and Naphtali, the people living in darkness have seen a Great Light, for the true light of the Son of Man hath risen upon the land and the Lord shall smite His enemies. Woe unto you who call darkness light and light darkness!!

  12. I forwarded many of your Q claims and your mentioning of President Trump to Eric. Be careful what you print of your claims and relationships. 10-4

    1. Trying to intimidate others hey? We are too smart for you and know your tricks. Your fake Q is the one who needs to be careful of what he claims and what he prints. Your fake Q, by claiming to represent POTUS, is the one who is in BIG TROUBLE boy!!

      Your fake Q has been exposed and you don´t like it hey?


    Q is FAKE & AT&T & the Internet Bill of Rights!



    ① Q supporters claim Q is not releasing classified into, while at other times they say he is.

    ② Many predictions and in fact most predictions of Q are NOT COMING TRUE. And the few that have have already been predicted by others.

    ③ Cultic behaviour by Q supporters – alienate, ban and abuse those that do not agree with Q. Persecute those who dis-agree.

    ④ Q gives false commands such as “Trust Sessions”, a proven criminal and enemy of the state and SES-SERCO gang member.

    ⑤ There is no reason why it does not make sense for Q to be a psy-op, as Q supporters claim. To the contrary, we have tons of evidence to prove Q is a psy-op.

    ⑥ Q = A FAKE PATRIOT MOVEMENT, having hi-jacked the legitimate patriotic movement to restore the Republic.

    ⑦ Clowns attack us with DDOS attacks when we expose the fake Q – more evidence it is a MOSSAD – 5 I operation.

    ⑧ The true creators of Q are having their plan hi-jacked by a fake movement. Q = CICADA = A CIA – MOSSAD – BRITISH INTEL – 5I operation and creation to hijack the patriotic movement we all created.

    ⑨ People are being mentally gang-raped by Q-Research on 8-chan and are being lied to.

    ⑩ If Trump is part of this Q movement, then this will only be more evidence that Trump is a part of this hijacking of our movement, especially considering the information we just posted above.

    Q ANON – PROJECT MAYHAM 2020 Phrack High Council Project Mayham run by Tyler AI (Think Tyler Durden). Tyler runs the anonyous and the CICADA movement – they have produced the fake Q. Jordon in Destroy the Illusion proves Q anon is Tyler. Q says “Shall We Play A Game”? These are the exact words of Tyler when you communicate with it! “Future unlocks past – CICADA 3301!! “In Tyler We Trust = In Q Anon We Trust” = PROJECT MAYHAM 2020!!

    See the video posted above for more info!


    Wow, look at what I just found!!




    The Fullerton Informer
    Published on Mar 8, 2018

    Vital information about the assault on humanity and how Trump is playing us all right along with it.

    Coal produces MERCURY a toxin!

    Trump supporting 5G!! Trump giving 80 billion to deploy 5G!!

    5G attacks the one oxygen molecule in your body which takes care of oxygen absorbtion frequency! It destroys the hemoglobin ability to transport oxygen to the cells! It destroy the ability to produce Vitamin D in the skin! Destroys Melanin! Affects the nervous system!

    Trump supporting everything that will destroy your body!!

    The Fullerton Informer

    Published on Mar 8, 2018

    Vital information about the assault on humanity and how Trump is playing us all right along with it.

    Demonic ILLUMINATI mason groups supporting this and the fake Q.


    Is Trump truly in control? Is there really a plan on his part? Trump fired at Syria with NO PROOF that the chemical attacks came from ASSAD. So where is “The Plan” now?

    Fake Q is just a larp and lying. There is no plan on his part. IN THAT LIES THE DANGER considering fake Q is controlled opposition who has hi-jacked our patriotic movement!

    Until We The People have secured our government, per THE PLAN we have elaborated, the idea of allowing anyone to conduct MILITARY ARRESTS AND TRIALS is actually dangerous, as it could be used actually to round-up dissidents and those opposed to the ILLUMINATI NWO.

    Especially considering that Trump may actually be under a form of blackmail and coercion, which would explain is sudden shift in policy towards Syria.

    In any case or whatever the case be with Trump,

    For the above reasons, it becomes necessary to follow THE PLAN:

    The Solution to Free Humanity


    Notice how the martial law is already in effect and thus the ”MILITARY arrests should only take place after we restore our Constitution and take the above steps. Otherwise, the ILLUMINATI and The New World Order will use this idea of MIL arrests to arrest the patriots!

    WE MUST FOLLOW A PLAN OR THE PLAN and not listen to fake Q, who is running an MK Ultra program of mass deceit!

    People who say it does not make any difference if fake Q is legit or not are not only fooling themselves, they are putting everyone in danger by going into a blind state of trust in fake Q and not knowing whether Trump is being black-mailed, coerced and under attack! We have information saying that both Trump and his family are under attack! This would explain the sudden shift in Trump policies towards Syria!!

    Thank you.



    We do not forgive.

    We do not forget.

  15. Two more links on fake Q:

    Q is Dead


    Z Drop 3-27-18


    Interesting video:


    MQ ULTRA? QAnon gets called out by Cicada 3301 – YouTube


    He sees benefits of Q. We see none.

    He is unsure if Q is fake. We are certain.

    Producer of video is wishy washy. We firmly affirm Q is MK ULTRA.

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