British Emigration Movement Created White Debt Slavery

Early British imperial experiments in white debt slavery in Venezuela (1868-70) (replacing black & brown slaves with white & yellow slaves [debt, opium])

Margaret Amanda Pattison. (1868). The emigrant’s vade-mecum or guide to the ‘Price grant’ in Venezuelan …, 177 pgs. Trubner for The Chartered American, English and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company. Interactive version.

James Clarke Lawrence, Lord Mayor, President. (Mar. 22, 1869). PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE BRITISH AND COLONIAL EMIGRATION FUND, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, D-05. New Zealand House Archives.


Editor. (Apr. 15, 1869, exactly four years after Lincoln assassination). Emigration to Venezuelan Guayana, Intending Emigrants, Take Notice. Cosmopolitan.

James Frederick Pattison, pres. (Jun. 05, 1869). The Chartered American, English and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company, Workmen’s Emigration Society. Bee-Hive.


Editor. (Mar. 06, 1870). CAUTION TO EMIGRANTS [re. Chartered American, English, and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company]. Lloyd’s Weekly Newspaper.


Editor. (May 14, 1870)
. A WARNING TO INTENDING EMIGRANTS [re. Chartered American, English, and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company]. Globe.