Did Kenneth Kohn Suppress a Cure for Diabetes?

kenneth KohnCould it be that a Michigan attorney Kenneth Kohn https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-kenneth-kohn-4831037/  has suppressed a cure for many if not all viruses, including heart disease and diabetes caused by “Ljungan virus,” renamed “Parechovirus B” in Jul. 07, 2014 led by the Pirbright Institute ?  (Kohn represented the Swedish inventor Bo Nikasson and let it lapse for failure to pay a fee on Sep. 20, 2016.)

Since it lapsed, Big Pharma can pick it up, add to it without underlying licenses, and appears to have buried it because it would destroy their diabetes virus bioweapons.

U.S. Pat. No. 8,231,879 Bo Niklasson. (Jul. 31, 2012). TREATMENT OF DISEASES CAUSED BY VIRAL INFECTIONS. U.S. Patent Office.

viral infection

From the attached patent:

Col. 12 Lns. 46-48

chronic diabetes


His Farmington Hills Michigan attorney, Kenneth Kohn, Ph.D, J.D.,  30500 Northwestern Hwy #410

Farmington Hills, MI 48334 (248) 539-5050 let this patent lapse for failure to pay a fee.

viral infection 2clients


5 thoughts on “Did Kenneth Kohn Suppress a Cure for Diabetes?”

  1. Terminal Virus Germ, Dr. Anthony Fausi, needs to be Exterminated ASAP, along with Dr. Wanna B, Bill Gates, of University Fly-in-the-Ointment, as his duly AP. Apprentice. None of these educated people R here to help anyone but themselves & pocketbook, or any of the Human Race, to better our living existentialism to date.

  2. Natürliche Kräuter haben so viele Krankheiten geheilt, dass Medikamente und Injektionen nicht heilen können. Ich habe die große Bedeutung natürlicher Kräuter und die wunderbare Arbeit gesehen, die sie im Leben der Menschen geleistet haben. Ich habe online die Zeugnisse von Menschen gelesen, wie sie von Dr.adeogun ise Kräutermedizin von Herpes, HIV, Diabetikern usw. geheilt wurden. Bei mir wurde in den letzten sieben Jahren HIV diagnostiziert, aber Dr. adeogun ise hat mich mit seinen Kräutern geheilt und ich habe meine Tante und ihren Mann sofort an ihn überwiesen, weil sie beide an Herpes litten und auch geheilt wurden. Ich weiß, es ist schwer zu glauben, aber ich bin ein lebendiges Zeugnis. Es schadet nicht, Kräuter auszuprobieren. Er ist auch ein Zauberwirker, er wirkt Zaubersprüche, um zerbrochene Ehen wiederherzustellen und Glückszauber, um im Leben zu gedeihen und zu übertreffen.Whatsapp:+221785264514   Kontakt Dr. adeogun :isedradeogun@gmail.com

    1. Translated:
      Natural herbs have cured so many diseases that drugs and injections cannot cure them. I saw the great importance of natural herbs and the wonderful work they have done in people’s lives. I’ve read people’s testimonials online about how they were cured of herpes, HIV, diabetic, etc. by Dr.adeogun ise herbal medicine. I’ve been diagnosed with HIV for the past seven years, but Dr. adeogun ise healed me with his herbs and I immediately referred my aunt and her husband to him because they both suffered from herpes and were also cured. I know it’s hard to believe, but I am a living testimony. There is no harm in trying herbs. He’s also a spellcaster, he casts spells to restore broken marriages and lucky spells to thrive and prosper in life

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