Is it time to cash in your Amazon chips?

jeff bezos affair

Do you own Amazon stock? Who will take the sucker punch on stock prices when the courts force the sale of Bezos’ Amazon stocks? You, the average investor, or Jeff Bezos? Is it time to cash in your Amazon chips?

Remember Enron stocks?


bezos divorce.

Pai’s frequent strip club visits during his time with Enron led to an affair with stripper[23] Melanie Fewell (who was also married), and resulted in a pregnancy. Upon learning of the affair, Pai’s then-wife of over 20 years, Lanna, with whom he has two biological children, filed for divorce.[2] To satisfy the financial terms of his divorce settlement, Pai cashed-out approximately $250 million of his Enron stock[23]—just months before the company’s stock price dramatically collapsed, and it filed for bankruptcy protection.[9] After the divorce, Pai and Fewell married.[8]


Of course, Bezos can’t cash in his CIA-Amazon holdings without bells and whistles going off everywhere in the markets….so he and his partner of 25 years divorce, forcing a court-ordered massive sale of Amazon stock…before it collapses…which some say is already on the horizon. The former wife then slips hubby of 25 years half the proceeds in some off shore account. Kind of looks like a golden parachute for a CIA husband-wife operation.

Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos are getting divorced after 25 years of marriage


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